I had to wait until some interesting stuff in my life happened before I posted this. Usually life in Lubbock, TX is quite dull and nothing eventful ever really happens. Luckily, I had to opportunity to spend 2 back-to-back weekends out of town! I got to go home for Easter for once and then went to Philadelphia to experience the legendary Spring Fling. Both weekends were quite excellent and I'll provide a brief summary of the events.
I haven't been home for Easter for the last 3 years because the members of the Texas Tech administration are a bunch of heathens. This year was no different, but my lack of class on Friday allowed me to finally go home and spend a much needed visit there. I hadn't been home since Christmas and I know I was missed dearly, especially by my father. The weekend was pretty much as I expected. I spent a great deal of time at my father's new restaurant "The Richmond Coffee Station: Flintoni and Ricardo Cafe". Long name, good food. The break was short but much needed.
The following weekend was spent with Noelle for Spring Fling. It has to be the biggest party I've ever seen. Tons of drunk people walking up and down the street with drink in hand. Stuff like this would have never gone down in Lubbock.The flight getting to Philly was about the scariest ride I've ever been on. We went straight through a bad thunderstorm and I about crapped my pants. Apparently, on a different flight, a lady was in the bathroom and was the plane went through the turbulence, she slammed against the ceiling and broke her back and neck. Pretty messed up stuff... So I landed in Philly a day late and scared for my life, but that definitely didn't ruin my time. Noelle and I spent the afternoon at the "Quad" watching bands and hanging out. The main event was yet to come.
We were first in line for the concert and had front row/middle seats. Our persistence paid off big time because the concert was incredible! The opening band, Guster, was actually really good and put on a great show. They were definitely the polar opposite of Akon though. Once Akon reached the stage, the stadium went nuts! His DJ spent about 15 minutes trying to hype us up, but we were already maxed out on hype. Akon got on stage and put on an amazing show. He sang about every song he's ever had popular and a bunch of songs he was a part of. The grind-fest ended with him taking off his shirt and crowdsurfing while doing a kind of situp motion. Let's just say he's in good shape. After the show was over, we went back and crashed. I had been up since 4AM.

With the concert over, we spent the rest of the weekend relaxing. Nothing too exciting compared to the concert, but we had a great time. I feel that I didn't get to spend enough time there, but her graduation is just around the corner so we will see eachother soon.
The (Half) Victory Lap
I have one more semester after this one. I spent two years "finding myself" aka wasting my parents money... So my graduation will be delayed but only a semester. I think that my run here at Texas Tech has been great. There has been some great ups and some not-so-great downs but overall, the expierence has been great. I don't get to completely reflect on my time here because I still got a bit to go.