Wednesday, April 1, 2009

P90X: Day 8

I started the P90X Program a week ago and it is truly brutal. I plan on updating this almost every day I do the program. I sometimes cut out one of the days to do a run instead of their cardio so I can continue my marathon training.

Day 8: Chest and Back/AbRipperX

The first week was pretty much a trial run. I recorded all my reps last week so I can continue to progress through the program. I managed to do at least 1 more rep each time and added 5-10 lbs on the weights. The chest and back workout is push ups, pull ups, and some weight work with your back. This workout is the most important to me and I need to push it every single time. Since I don't own any weights, I save that part for the gym at my apartment complex. I finish the workout with the AbRipperX which is the definition of hardcore. It leaves a ton of room for improvement and I might be able to do all 349 exercises by the end of the summer. I am very week in the lower abdominal so those exercises are absolutely brutal. Time to shower!!